Sunday, January 20, 2008


BIRTHDAYS, Don’t you love them. Mine is coming up on January 31,2008. I’m going to be a big eleven. You know how I talked about webkinz? Well… if I get three more I get a cool thing online. the three I want are a penguin, a turtle, and a collie. I think those would be awesome. The only thing I would want that I want. I wouldn’t even care if it would be the only thin I got. A GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!! A guitar! I would love one. Plus a learning guitar book. I told my mom that I loved her today. Then I said I wanted a guitar for my birthday. She laughed her head off. If you know me get me one!! SERIOUSLY MOM PLEASE GET ONE!!!!!!!PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just Do It Posterchild said...

I get the hint....little stinker.  We will have to see.I Love YOU!!!!Mom

Angela said...

Jenna, you're a riot! Now I KNOW I'm in the 21st century...when kids beg their parents for gifts ON THE INTERNET!! Ha!

Love you!
Happy almost-11th birthday!

Megan said...

Happy Birthday Jenna. I hope you get your guitar.